🚀 RareXDB - Coming Soon!

About RareXDB

We are excited to announce that RareXDB, a lightweight and flexible database designed for simplicity and efficiency, will be launching very soon! Stay tuned for more updates as we prepare to bring this innovative solution to developers worldwide.

Key Features:

Stay connected and be the first to explore RareXDB upon its release!

RareXDB Documentation

RareXDB is a lightweight database prototype designed for simplicity, flexibility, and intuitive usage. Inspired by a hierarchical structure, it organizes data into Books, Pages, Lines, and Words, making data management straightforward and efficient.

📚 Table of Contents

🌟 Overview

RareXDB is built on a simple hierarchy:

        book_name: {
          page_name: {
            line1: word1,
            line2: word2

🔑 Core Concepts

💻 Basic Syntax

RareXDB operations follow a simple command structure:


🛠️ Operations

1. Activate or Create a Book

Switch to or create a new database (book).


2. Write Data

Add new lines (fields) and their corresponding words (values) to a page.

        book_name.page_name.write({line1: word1, line2: word2});

3. Read Data

Retrieve data from a page based on conditions.


4. Rewrite Data

Update existing data or add new fields.

        book_name.page_name.rewrite({line: word}, {line_updates});

5. Erase/Delete Data

Remove data from a page.

        book_name.page_name.erase({line: word});

🔍 Examples

1. Create or Switch a Database


2. Add Data to a Page

        library.books.write({title: "1984", author: "George Orwell", year: 1949});
        library.books.write({title: "Brave New World", author: "Aldous Huxley", year: 1932});

3. Retrieve Data


4. Update Data

        library.books.rewrite({title: "1984"}, {year: 1950});

5. Delete Data

        library.books.erase({title: "1984"});

🚨 Error Handling

If you encounter any issues while using RareXDB, please refer to our documentation or contact us for support.

📝 Author

RareXDB is developed and maintained by Rakesh D, a passionate software engineer and founder of RareXTechiez.